We may wonder how fast the approaches and perspective of people changing around the world! If we were to pause for a while and reflect, we would say ‘But yes, why not?’ It is quite natural. When we have been thrust into a situation such as this pandemic, thrown out of our comfort zone, compelled to live, work and function from a radically different situation, it compels each one of us to rethink and reflect, and take a different stance altogether about the way we see life.
Let us take Self-care for instance. Self-care is now seen in a whole new light – care and attention we give to ourselves, in today’s time have a much deeper meaning. It is not just pampering ourselves, not just taking care of our superficial self but as someone rightly said “Self-care today is more like parenting yourself”. Self-care is not a luxury; it is a necessity. It is real work to keep ourselves physically, emotionally and mentally strong – Hands, Heart and Head all three! To maintain the stability of our whole self is of paramount importance, now and always. We may sound self-indulgent and fanciful, when we say self-care, nonetheless it is crucial for our well-being. We cannot and shouldn’t neglect self-care.

- Take care of your stability first – We often hear flight attendants in the aircraft caution us for situations like turbulence. We are told, “Wear your oxygen mask first before you attend to others”. It is of paramount importance that our health, fitness and stability be at its best, for us to extend our strong helping hands to others. Be in abundance, to be able to give wholeheartedly to others. Positioning yourself to be the strength and support to oneself and those around is boosting your self-esteem, which is also self-care.
- Keep upgrading yourself – Lifting and enhancing your self-efficacy is again self-care. Hence, finding time for various online resources to upscale your knowledge, skills and competencies also contribute to self-care.
- Stay Connected, Share Happiness – Laugh heartily, lighten your spirit, stop overthinking. Excessive screen time may be bad but if used purposefully, online technologies help us stay connected despite being physically isolated. It is so refreshing to virtually meet and have good lighter moments with family, friends and relatives from around the world.
- Keep your ‘Self-Time’ well-guarded- Taking care of ourselves is our responsibility. Enjoy just being on your own, singing an old song or maybe learning a new one, reading a book or a story of your own choice, something light, something simple, maybe a beautiful poem, flipping through old albums, sipping tea or coffee, sitting on a swing in the park, going for a stroll, listening to the music of your choice, trying out a new recipe, painting things of your own choice, or picking up a hobby, the activity of your choice. Anything joyous, however silly it may be, that which lightens your inner core may be little attractions that make you look forward to the next day and give you a happy reason to get up in the morning. Hence, keep a well-protected small self-time in your daily routine.
- Self-care is keeping the two cycles- ‘WORK & SLEEP’ in good order – Having a balance of rest and work keeps us in a good state of mind which in turn will save us from being less productive, disorganized, disgruntled and emotionally depleted. Only work and work can be very exhausting and lead to all sorts of problems.
- Eat Healthily, be an active outdoor nature person- Consuming lesser media reports and more healthy food is the foundation of good self-care. And though there’s plenty you can do indoors, find time to do few activities outside, but of course ensuring social distancing.
- Start a journal. Get creative, write thoughts that come to your mind or note important events or go as you like while scribbling in your diary. It helps you unwind and also give clarity to your reflections and introspection.
- Stay Mindful to your body – Meditation, yoga, even mindful breathing are ways to stay connected to your body and inner soul. Maintain a healthy relationship with yourself as it produces positive feelings and boosts your confidence and inner peace.
- Never wait for the crisis to engulf you – If you are unable to work or take care of yourself or your family, you need to let go. Take a break when you need it. Be kind to yourself. Do not be hesitant to reach out, it may be time to seek help. Keep in mind that in strange times like these, we may not be as productive as we had been before but that’s alright, we need to tell ourselves.
- Stress management: Keeping yourself ahead in your task is one powerful way to keep yourself free from stress. Keep boosting your energy and confidence levels by being punctual, steady and responsible with your work and duties. Be okay with a little bit of pressure, a small drip of cortisol is okay that prods you to meet the deadlines and finish that overdue task. Having said that, also be aware that constant stress and anxiety can harm your mental and physical health. So, watch out how many drips of cortisol you administer to yourself.
All these are little Self-care mantras that will empower you to be in control of your good self. Keep your cup of energy full and sparkling!