A day without laughter is a day wasted. – Charlie Chaplin.
Who would not want to have Happiness and Laughter in life!? We all seek to be happy and cheerful. The benefits of laughter and happiness are plentiful. We do need to make more room in life for happiness and laughter.
Research has shown that happy laughter stimulates our inner system. It enhances our intake of oxygen, stimulates our heart and other muscles, decreases our heart rate and blood pressure. It elevates our mood and makes us more resilient. It even slows down the physical effects of ageing. A smiling, relaxed persona also indicates confidence and an ability to cope well in stressful situations. In short, there are ample reasons to seek out more opportunities for happiness and laughter in life.

If we seek to be happy or happier around the things, we do every day – small, simple, ordinary things, it isn’t that difficult. Researches have proven that our actions influence the way we feel and not the other way around. To some extent, people are happy or not so happy because they are born hardwired either way. Life’s circumstances also influence to some extent. But majorly, our mood is influenced by the way we act. There is a very profound connection between the way we ACT and the way we think and FEEL.
In times such as this pandemic, it may be considered insensitive to be HAPPY. But on the contrary, we are not being selfish or self-indulgent as it may seem to be apparently. In fact, by being happywe are trying to be like small candles or small sparks of positivity in the otherwise sad and depressing state around us now.
Researches have shown happy people are essentially altruistic. They are the ones who look around them as they are charged positively from within. They connect and reach out to people, see the problems and difficulties in the world around and take interest and happiness in helping solve the issues. They volunteer more time and energy extending their helping hand. They have better habits and a better lifestyle, they are better team members, better leaders and also healthier, which in turn lead to them being happier souls. Being a happy person is a win-win situation for both the happy person and the people around him.
Considering all the benefits of being a happy soul, we may ask how to be happy? How to be fuelled by all those positive vibes, energy and vitality? Well, the source is very basic and simple.

GOOD SOUND SLEEP. To be first physically energised we need to be well-rested and balanced. This may seem so basic but its impact is big. Lesser hours of sleep leave us grumpy. whereas an hour of extra sleep leaves you so full charged and in such a pleasant mood. You are fresh as a daisy and fit as a fiddle!
TRIGGER IT YOURSELF. One intriguing thing about happiness is we can trigger it even with a simple act. Smile and laugh even when you do not feel like it. Put on a funny movie, read some jokes or seek out a humour boost in any way you enjoy. Life is all about how you approach things. Even if you’re going through hard times, look for some lighter moments. This will positively impact your outlook and your situation.
DANCING is often associated with being happy. Dance and be merry to get a good jolt of energy and be as bouncy as a happy ball. Getting yourself into the rhythm will bring a surge of happy feeling. Simply jumping up and down with some music accompanied would be still better to be mentally charged and happy. Dancing in some catchy music is an exercise most people enjoy, as it is then not a boring chore.
SINGING in the morning. To be happy this is one very interesting habit that you need to develop which will cost you nothing. To instantly lift your mood and your energy- SING. It is not important to be good at singing just sing happily. You may even write or learn some of your favourite songs by heart, consciously keeping the lyrics clear on your head. Surprisingly we will find ourselves happily humming the tune to ourselves the whole day.
GOOD ACTIONS makes us feel happy. These good actions are small acts of gratitude and thankfulness towards the world around them. There is so much joy and happiness in giving, helping, sharing. This charges you up and enthuses you. When you are filled with renewed happy vigour, we do your duty and responsibilities with enthusiasm which in turn produces a good result and the good result fuels you to be happy. This is a vicious circle of a win-win situation.

POTTERING AROUND YOUR POSSESSIONS. Time simply flies out, without you realising when you are super engaged in arranging our loving possessions like for instance having a small corner in the house with things of our choice – whether be your small balcony of beautiful collections of potted plants with a comfortable swing to relax or a small comfortable reading corner with your favourite books. Small corners where you spend a lot of time happily pottering around and being involved fully. It dramatically makes you happy and chirpy.
SHARE YOUR LAUGHTER To be truly happywe need an endearing bond with other people. Nothing diffuses stress faster than a shared laugh. A good, hearty laugh leaves you so light and relaxed. This bond acts as a strong buffer against stress, disagreements, disappointments. And laughter is contagious—just hearing someone laugh primes you to and join in the fun. Simply sharing situations that may have left us twisted, sometimes relaxes us. It is just a sense of engagement and connection.
All of us could use a little more laughter and happiness in our lives, considering how beneficial these attributes can be for our stress and overall wellness. Smile, chuckle and have a sparkling, hearty talk with the Almighty too!
As Ralph Waldo Emerson said it –
“Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.”