The term scientific temper is broadly defined as “a modest open-minded temper—a temper ever ready to welcome new light, new knowledge, new experiments, even when their results are unfavourable to preconceived opinions and long-cherished theories.” Article 51 A of our constitution which deals with fundamental duties makes it a duty of every citizen to develop Scientific Temper. It is the Scientific Temper that helps in developing Secularism, Humanism and Spirit of enquiry and reform.
‘Scientific Temper’ is a well-known and well-heard term in today’s world. The meaning of the term when read in an encyclopaedia or if searched on the internet is usually found in too long sentences and paragraphs of words. So, to simplify the meaning, the term ‘temper’ separately means – ‘state of mind’. A state of mind which thinks logically and rationally, and does not accept or believe anything but the truth. It is in short, a RATIONAL ATTITUDE.

The term scientific temper was coined and made popular in India by our first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru in 1946 in his book -The Discovery of India. Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee also reinforced the importance of science when he added to ‘Jai Jawan Jai Kisan’ – ‘Jai Vigyan!’.
An individual is considered to have a scientific temper if he or she employs a scientific method of decision-making in everyday life. It is an attitude that we all need to develop, it is a way of life. If we nurture and cultivate this approach in our personality, we are in a way being patriotic. It is a patriotism of a much higher order for our country. A scientific approach helps and guides us not to be fooled or taken advantage of, due to our ignorance or for having a gullible attitude. A scientific approach helps and guides us to find a true path in our lives. This is what our Constitution expects us to do.

How to develop a ‘Scientific Temper’?
All progressive schools must start the process of sowing the seed of scientific temperament as early as when children step into the pre-primary level. An important tendency that is found among all human beings and especially in children is CURIOSITY. Encouraging children to keep alive their innate curiosity is very crucial. Children are found to be more curious to know about various things they notice around themselves in their daily life. A teacher should make such kinds of arrangements in the classroom and in school that they can get maximum opportunities to get their curiosity satisfied.
- To have a rational attitude, ample opportunities must be created for young learners to perceive and question everything around – what, why, how etc., allow them to wonder and ponder. Encourage them to ask questions. Allow them to seek out answers on their own.
- We need to encourage children to – Explore, Observe, Question, Test, Analyse the Vitality, Apply Logic, Discuss, Argue and Communicate.
- Opportunities must be provided to get involved in the experimental functions carried out in the best school in dwarka. Encouraging children to see concepts in action! Support your child’s experiments to find the answers to questions like Why do leaves of the plants and trees not dry? What objects float or sink in water and why? Why does Sun always rise in the East etc? Let your child write out his reasoning and share it with the class.
- Teaching-learning process must be made group work, active and participative, collaborative and communicative. Give your child time and permit to ‘show and tell’ of what he has gathered. Cheer your child on as he creates models or diagrams to explain what he’s discovered.
- For children, as they grow, they need to realise school is a safe space where questions, debates and discussions are always welcome. Children need to use their reasoning and ask questions like, – Why is this happening? Is this the right way? Can this be trusted? How do I know if this is true? How can, I be sure? Do not stop your children’s willingness to question and test so-called established practices.
- There are several brain games available, riddles and brain teasers that infuse excitement and challenge into analysis and problem-solving. Chess is also an excellent game to help your child develop logical sequencing and strategic skills.

Traditional passive teaching methods would not lead to competent 21st century sharp critical thinkers. The world is replete with misinformation and an overload of confusing beliefs. Hence our teaching-learning must not just be the transfer of knowledge from the teacher to the taught in a monotonous lecture, chalk and talk method. In today’s world, it is said the foundation of a successful education lies in strengthening the confidence of our children in the scientific process. It is found that whatever a child or person learns during his childhood, they become permanent qualities of his personality This is a strength that will equip him to be a contributing, productive citizen of the world, regardless of any career path he chooses to embark on.