CBSE Board Exams round the corner, just a few weeks away. The stress level for most students and parents is normally at its highest during these times. These past years have been stressful! For children it is understandably the most distressing, they being required to sit for their board exam with majorly only the online classes done. Parents might be more stressed than the children now nonetheless, we should focus to stay calm rather than display our restlessness around the children.
Be Realistic. First and foremost, we need to accept that our children will perform as per their level of potentiality and the amount of hard work they have put into it in the past few months. There is no point fretting at this stage or hovering over them with all your high expectations. We are usually too focused on just the result. So let us do the best that we can do now at this crucial stage.

Be Around Positively. What can be done to calm the storm that is already razing in the minds and hearts of our children? This stressful state of mind only saps away the energy and concentration from where it needs to be focused. We cannot afford to be hyper anxious along with our children. As Parents be a stabilizer and help calm the stressful throbbing of their hearts. We know our children best so let us understand how and when we can help them. We can make a huge difference in their mental well-being by being a positive force.
Be Assuring with the Words –“You Work Hard and Give your Best, and be assured that We are there Behind You.” Such words will work wonders. Your trust will give them immense confidence and boost them to come out with their highest potential. Assuring them with your trust and faith in them, even if you may have a lurking fear that they may not score as per your expectation. This automatically will put them in a relaxed frame of mind and empower them to perform better. When they enjoy the process of learning without bothering about the outcome, the result will be better. It is a paradox.

Board Exam not the ‘Decider for Life’. We too need to accept the fact that the board exam is just a qualifying exam to go to the next level of higher studies. Even if your child is not able to score high grades in a particular subject, there could be a possibility of them having a spark in something else. Marks are not the only criterion for success in life. Let them understand that their potentiality is measured not just by their scores or our expectations.
Build a Distraction-Free Environment. Help them stay off social media, especially now. Remove all possible distractions from their surroundings. It is often felt that social media platforms and digital devices, will keep us updated, but it steals away a lot of time. Arrange a space in the house for your child to study in peace. Ensure the space is well-lit and well organized. Any kind of distractions like family discussions, noise from the TV or even disturbance from the younger sibling must be avoided. Facilitate the right kind of environment for them to boost their performance.
Better their Paper Presentation. Exam Strategies can be discussed together. How to write answers, how to make answers presentable, which questions to attempt first, how to divide time between various sections, etc. are a few areas where your child might need help. Taking mock test papers will improve the time management skills. It will also allow them to improve the presentation of the paper
Be their Care Giver. Nutritious food and good sleep are essential for good memory. Most students tend to stay up late into the night and study. As parents, we do ensure that their child is not skipping meals, is eating properly and getting enough rest. Rest helps them to get rejuvenated and study harder. Continuously studying for extended periods will tire out the brain and decrease its ability to retain knowledge. So, encourage your child to take short intervals of a break between studies. They may take a power nap, do a little bit of stretching exercises, or listen to music to emerge fresh and re-energized. It will boost them to do better.

A genuine effort from your side will help your child cope with stress and help them develop the right outlook for exams. Let all the chemicals that make your child feel good such as Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin and Endorphin – the positive DOSE be well released in their system through our love and care, our affection and concern. This dose of our overflowing love will shield them from all the negativities that surround them in these trying times. Support System is what we need to be. Help your child fare well in this Board Exam.