The Directorate of Education (DoE) Delhi Govt has notified the schedule of admission for entry level, bringing respite for many concerned parents who have been waiting for the notification for over two months. As per the notified schedule, the first list of selected children will be displayed on March 20 and the entire nursery admission process will conclude on March 31. The school admission 2021-22 process open for all the other classes, will however continue for some time now.
For parents, getting admission in the top schools of Delhi with the best facilities and all systems in place is of utmost importance. Choosing the right school for their children and getting entry to the school of their choice is a mammoth task for the parents.
After all, the child will spend the most formative and crucial years of their lives, especially now with the new NEP 2020, it will be 15 long years in the institute they select. Moreover, having the pass certificate with good result from one amongst the top best school in Delhi is like having the passport to eminent colleges and universities.
Most of the parents consult and discuss the pros and cons of top schools in Delhi with the parents who have experience of these schools. Parents are guided usually by their own perception, word of mouth reputation of the school, reference from other parents, distance, fee structure, transport facilities, infrastructure provided by the school and so on and so forth.
Nonetheless, considering how important this decision is, it is not just enough for parents to randomly find out the feasibility and suitability of the schools for their children by having answers to the queries from people who have some limited knowledge of how education ought to be for the children, especially in this 21st Century world. We must understand there is more to education than these simple general queries.
Very often parents also get misled by impressive school infrastructure, the rich ambience, huge impressive lobbies of the school, air-conditioned classrooms, AC buses, activity labs and computers or tablets, sprawling playfields, Hi-tech classrooms are not the only factors to make a school education wholesome for our children who will be facing a future not known to any of us for sure. These features no doubt add value and do make good impact but there are more crucial attributes that make the backbone of the school strong and education meaningful.
The most crucial core software of a school system is the powerful hybrid curriculum and how it is transacted. Providing truly experiential, enquiry and project based collaborative learning pedagogy in schools will help children nurture these very skills. Having strong pedagogical foundation, open ended challenges help students face new problems and issues in the unknown future ahead.
The most essential traits also endorsed by NEP 2020 that students and future citizens need are
• Innovative Analytic Critical and Creative Thinking Skills
• Digital Literacy Skills
• Life Skills.
How systematically and effectively are these qualities and skills being nurtured and developed in our children? How are the assessment system? This is another area that needs to be probed into carefully. Are the students simply being prepared to score well or are they having a profound understanding of their learnings? How well are the concepts understood and delivered?
Next is the quality of teachers. The teachers are the ones who deliver the actual teaching learning, through the lessons they deliver. For all these ideas, attributes of an effective school system to be in place, the most important role is played by the facilitators – the teachers in school – the pillars of any educational structure. What Research and Training Programs they are involved in? How well equipped, how well-groomed and transformed they are from within – intellectually, emotionally and spiritually – is a matter of great concern.

Do the teachers practise the values of patience, kindness, care and compassion, of creating a positive stimulating school climate? Are the students encouraged to be courageous and curious? Are the children motivated to be brave enough to shoot queries however simple or silly they may be? Are they inspired to ask not just what or when of new concepts but also why and how of these new learnings? Are the teachers helping children to share and support one another, to walk together, being happy and strong together rather than just being the selfish and lone winner – successful but unhappy in this mad race of competitive world?
How true are the team members towards the vision and mission that they stand for…these are a few of the pertinent questions that need to be prodded, explored and gauzed by the prospective parents aspiring for good education in the real sense of the term.
Talking to the Admission Counsellors may no doubt enlighten the parents about a lot of information related to school admission but seeking some time to be with the Head of the School and the Academic Faculty members will definitely throw more light on vital core academics of the school and clarify the lurking doubts and fears from the minds of anxious and concerned parents.
Responsible Schools will definitely spend quality time with the parents and help them sort out the puzzling confusion – this ordeal of selecting the right schools for their children. Do visit the school with enough time in hand to do the needful during this time of Pre-school admissions.