Children are said to be like dry sponges, they have an insatiable curiosity to absorb and learn things from around them. Since they are naturally curious, they are spontaneously soaking up knowledge and information from their environment. Therefore, as a parent, you must be certain that the preschool you select is the right one.
The process of selecting a preschool that is suitable for your child can be exciting but also overwhelming. Perhaps some of these pointers may help you decide the best for your child.

The School Reputation– It is very crucial to get to know the school, you wish to enrol your child in, by doing some good enquiries. Find out how committed are the team members to the goals and principles they uphold. A friendly transparent relationship with parents, good and timely communication, parental involvement, and properly updating the growth and development of the children are some essential elements.

The Learning Environment- Ensure the environment of the preschool is healthy and hygienic, safe and secure, stimulating for the child’s mental and physical growth and development, caring and nurturing place for your child’s social and emotional development. The school’s interiors should be bright and welcoming, the learning materials are intriguing and educational. The outdoor area needs to be spacious, stimulating and engaging. The school must give the play a high priority and incorporate it into their everyday schedule.
Distance- Selecting a preschool preferably that is close to your home where your child does not have to travel far is always an added advantage. Make sure the school offers a pick-up and drop-off service if it is far from your home.

Pre-school is much more than just Academics– One ought to understand that in preschool, they are learning much more than simply how to count, identify shapes and colours and read. They are entering a setting that supports their emotional and social growth. The core principles of any good pre-primary school must be to promote children’s physical, motor, cognitive, socio-emotional-ethical and cultural development.
Powerful Curriculum and the Right Pedagogy- As a child’s brain is at its best during the early years of development, the learning modules in the pre-primary level too should be academically inclined. A strong curriculum is the core element in a school system and has a strong pedagogical foundation to prepare children to face confidently the new learnings ahead. The teaching methodology should include a lot of activities as through play and fun engagement young children learn everything from vocabulary to communication to math concepts to many other essential everyday life skills needed to be successful.

Exposure to Diversity – In a multicultural society like our own, it is crucial to make children embrace diversity. Children must learn as they mature that not everyone is the same to look at, and not everyone has the same accent or way of carrying themselves. When children routinely interact with peers and adults from many backgrounds at preschool, they learn early on to value and embrace others, despite their cultural differences. Gradually they feel at ease when they are with others who are different from themselves. This is sowing the good seeds of togetherness and unity in diversity.

How qualified are the teachers and well-equipped the caregivers – The most crucial of all the factors are the well-equipped, well-trained teachers who have sound knowledge of early childhood care and education programme. All the components of quality education are actually held together by teachers. They are more significant than a posh infrastructure or fancy interiors. Teachers are what make or break a child’s experience, so pay attention to the kind of teachers around.

Ideal teacher-student ratio – Also knowing the teacher-student ratio is crucial in a classroom to ensure adequate learning and care. Each child at this age needs individualised care. When younger children receive high-quality child care in school, they typically feel less stressed. Young children also gain when the caregivers around are kind, considerate and enthusiastic to help them grow independent and confident as early as possible.
Organize a visit to the school- Make an appointment by calling the admissions counsellors or the school’s head. To determine a few things, it would be great if you visited all best play school in Pitampura. Even the display boards’ artwork can provide some insight into the school’s pedagogy; for example, do the illustrations all appear too polished to have been created by young children, and do they encourage imagination, apart from getting to understand many other things?

Wishing you all the best to make a well-meaning decision for your children. It is vital because this is likely the first significant, life-impacting, choice we make for our child. As prospective parents, you would definitely want your children to receive the best learning environment and a decent education.

Dr G. S. Matharoo
Prudence Group of Schools